Buat penggemar buku-buku bergenre romance seperti saya, sebenarnya agak sulit menulis review karena tema cerita, alur, karakter tokoh bahkan ending nyaris mirip satu sama lain. Biasanya sih alurnya : bertemu – berantem – sadar kalau saling suka bahkan gak bisa hidup tanpa dirinya – rekonsiliasi – happily everafter. Dengan pola seperti itu bingung untuk menulis reviewnya. Bahkan terkadang suka rancu antara satu review dengan review lainnya.
Nah, entah kapan tepatnya sewaktu googling, saya menemukan “panduan” untuk mereview buku fiksi. Sayang saya lupa nama situsnya dan history di browser saya juga tak menyimpannya. Jadi ini saya tuliskan saya berdasarkan apa yang saya copas ke Ms. Words saya. Bila teman-teman ada membaca point-point yang saya tampilkan dibawah ini di suatu situs, tolong beritahu ya, supaya saya bisa menampilkan link artikel asli yang saya kutip ini.
Points to Ponder:
1. What was the story about?
2. Who were the main characters?
3. Were the characters credible?
4. What did the main characters do in the story?
5. Did the main characters run into any problems? Adventures?
6. Who was your favorite character? Why?
Your personal experiences
1. Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
2. Have you ever done or felt some of the things, the characters did?
Your opinion
1. Did you like the book?
2. What was your favorite part of the book?
3. Do you have a least favorite part of the book?
4. If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don't reveal it!)
Your recommendation
1. Would you recommend this book to another person?
2. What type of person would like this book?
Di situs yang lain saya menemukan point-point yang nyaris mirip juga. Tapi seperti yang sudah saya katakan diatas, saya lupa dan tak menyimpan linknya. Ini dia point-pointnya :
Fiction (above all, do not give away the story)
a. From what sources are the characters drawn?
b. What is the author's attitude toward his characters?
c. Are the characters flat or three-dimensional?
d. Does character development occur?
e. Is character delineation direct or indirect?
2. Theme
a. What is/are the major theme(s)?
b. How are they revealed and developed?
c. Is the theme traditional and familiar, or new and original?
d. Is the theme didactic, psychological, social, entertaining, escapist, etc. in purpose or intent?
3. Plot
a. How are the various elements of plot (eg, introduction, suspense, climax, conclusion) handled?
b. What is the relationship of plot to character delineation?
c. To what extent, and how, is accident employed as a complicating and/or resolving force?
d. What are the elements of mystery and suspense?
e. What other devices of plot complication and resolution are employed?
f. Is there a sub-plot and how is it related to the main plot?
g. Is the plot primary or secondary to some of the other essential elements of the story (character, setting, style, etc.)?
4. Style
a. What are the "intellectual qualities" of the writing (e.g., simplicity, clarity)?
b. What are the "emotional qualities" of the writing (e.g., humour, wit, satire)?
c. What are the "aesthetic qualities" of the writing (e.g., harmony, rhythm)?
d. What stylistic devices are employed (e.g., symbolism, motifs, parody, allegory)?
e. How effective is dialogue?
5. Setting
a. What is the setting and does it play a significant role in the work?
b. Is a sense of atmosphere evoked, and how?
c. What scenic effects are used and how important and effective are they?
d. Does the setting influence or impinge on the characters and/or plot?
Banyak juga ternyata ya? Yah… namanya juga review kan sebaiknya harus mengulas semua sisi tentang buku. Tapi kalau mau dipersingkat, semua point diatas itu cukup simpel kok. Yang pada intinya terdiri dari :
1. Ide cerita
2. Karakter utama
3. Alur / plot
4. Sudut pandang
5. Setting
Menurut saya point-point semacam itu sangat membantu dalam mereview buku-buku bergenre romance favorit saya. Dan, saya pikir saya akan mulai menggunakan point-point tersebut dalam menulis review saya. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
@ Medan
Points to Ponder:
1. What was the story about?
2. Who were the main characters?
3. Were the characters credible?
4. What did the main characters do in the story?
5. Did the main characters run into any problems? Adventures?
6. Who was your favorite character? Why?
Your personal experiences
1. Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
2. Have you ever done or felt some of the things, the characters did?
Your opinion
1. Did you like the book?
2. What was your favorite part of the book?
3. Do you have a least favorite part of the book?
4. If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don't reveal it!)
Your recommendation
1. Would you recommend this book to another person?
2. What type of person would like this book?
Di situs yang lain saya menemukan point-point yang nyaris mirip juga. Tapi seperti yang sudah saya katakan diatas, saya lupa dan tak menyimpan linknya. Ini dia point-pointnya :
Fiction (above all, do not give away the story)
a. From what sources are the characters drawn?
b. What is the author's attitude toward his characters?
c. Are the characters flat or three-dimensional?
d. Does character development occur?
e. Is character delineation direct or indirect?
2. Theme
a. What is/are the major theme(s)?
b. How are they revealed and developed?
c. Is the theme traditional and familiar, or new and original?
d. Is the theme didactic, psychological, social, entertaining, escapist, etc. in purpose or intent?
3. Plot
a. How are the various elements of plot (eg, introduction, suspense, climax, conclusion) handled?
b. What is the relationship of plot to character delineation?
c. To what extent, and how, is accident employed as a complicating and/or resolving force?
d. What are the elements of mystery and suspense?
e. What other devices of plot complication and resolution are employed?
f. Is there a sub-plot and how is it related to the main plot?
g. Is the plot primary or secondary to some of the other essential elements of the story (character, setting, style, etc.)?
4. Style
a. What are the "intellectual qualities" of the writing (e.g., simplicity, clarity)?
b. What are the "emotional qualities" of the writing (e.g., humour, wit, satire)?
c. What are the "aesthetic qualities" of the writing (e.g., harmony, rhythm)?
d. What stylistic devices are employed (e.g., symbolism, motifs, parody, allegory)?
e. How effective is dialogue?
5. Setting
a. What is the setting and does it play a significant role in the work?
b. Is a sense of atmosphere evoked, and how?
c. What scenic effects are used and how important and effective are they?
d. Does the setting influence or impinge on the characters and/or plot?
Banyak juga ternyata ya? Yah… namanya juga review kan sebaiknya harus mengulas semua sisi tentang buku. Tapi kalau mau dipersingkat, semua point diatas itu cukup simpel kok. Yang pada intinya terdiri dari :
1. Ide cerita
2. Karakter utama
3. Alur / plot
4. Sudut pandang
5. Setting
Menurut saya point-point semacam itu sangat membantu dalam mereview buku-buku bergenre romance favorit saya. Dan, saya pikir saya akan mulai menggunakan point-point tersebut dalam menulis review saya. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
@ Medan
postingan yang sangat bermanfaat mak.. aku juga bingung kalo ngereview harus mulai dari mana dan ujung2nya nggak jadi ngereview.. :(
BalasHapusWohooo thanks infonya. Kayaknya bakal lumayan membantu. Aku suka bingung soalnya kalau ngereview mau ngomongin apa, sedangkan (seperti yg mbak uthie bilang tadi) kisah sama karakternya ya begitu2 aja. I'll learn to write review based on those point, too! :D
BalasHapusKalau reviewku, kebanyakan sudah pake lima point yang diatas, walau kadang ada point yang ngga kepake :D. Untuk yang sudut pandang biasanya lebih kayak ngasihtau ceritanya pake POV ke 1 atau ke 3
BalasHapusNice Info Uthie :)